Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Idea of Rebirth

I thought about writing about nudity. I thought it would be funny, but then something hit me. Something much more profound. Rebirth.

Get your genetic code analyzed! Catalog your entire life. Take Pictures, write a journal, make a record of you, because in the future. If you are reborn you may be able to know all about your past life.

The phrase circle of life exists for a reason. We die, our bodies decompose, and we go back into the earth to help other things live. There are certain basic components to humans - structures that are essentially the same in us all, but the things that make us unique: What if those things were naturally drawn to each other to fulfill a universal need? What if the exact genetic composition of you was created again? There is no telling how long it would take, but we are at a point now where we can record ourselves at a biological level. One day in the future, hopefully if and when we are reborn, we will still be able to see if we already existed biologically--Scientific proof that you were in fact reborn at a biological level.

Sites like 23andme allow you to get your DNA analyzed. DNA is unique to an individual - the exception being identical twins. This is why so many scientific studies have been done on twins.

Cataloging ourselves could be taken even further by writing journals or saving pictures. We could in theory be able to see how much biology plays a part in personality and decision making.

Even if we are never reborn, our life is still meaningful in understanding the science of the world. Someone could potentially stumble across your life and gain inspiration from it. They may feel or be able to understand things in a completely new way. People relate to others and gain perspective and understanding through those relationships.
So with that being said perhaps this means I will write more and post more pictures. I will definitely be getting my genetic code analyzed. Hopefully they will preserve it so that if my future self decides to go down this crazy rabbit hole I can understand who I was and how I became her.

Friday, April 10, 2015

California Academy of Science

Every time I try to write about this experience I get lost in the words. I feel like it is hard to describe the experience. Everything we looked at surrounded life and the different interactions between objects in environments. While I love the idea of discussing how impactful we are on the world it isn't my forte. And like stated above I get lost in the words and concepts of how I personally fit into the topic. It seems very self-centered to try and relate all of life to me, but everything we know and understand starts with us. Without us at the center there is (in concept) nothing. “I think therefore I am” - Descartes


Everything in this world is relative, even if it doesn't seem to be - don’t be fooled! We as individuals learn in a myriad of different ways...how we learn or how we best understand concepts is on us. No one else can understand things for us... That is the beauty of being an individual and being self aware. We control our reality. We accept, we trust, we deny, we refuse, we choose what we believe.

But understanding self awareness is only half the battle. The other part is taking that concept and relating it to everyone else in the world. Our reality unfortunately is limited to us. While something may seem so obvious to you - it isn’t always to someone else. I know I’ve found myself in a position where my mind was blown because someone didn’t know or understand a simple concept. It seemed unfathomable to me, but their relative experiences are not the same as mine.

I remember in high school sitting at the lunch table eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a German Exchange student. She was appalled by what I was eating! She looked at me and said “Salty and Sweet! You do not mix salty and sweet!” My mind was blown! In what world would you not mix salty and sweet?? It was near impossible for me to understand how someone could never have mixed peanut butter and jelly, especially knowing what both of them are?!?! I remember having her taste it and the look of pure disgust on her face again blew me away.

That was actually a life altering moment for me. It was the first time I had really understood the cultural impact societies have on individuals. It helped me understand the different systems in place to control and shape people. Not only had she never had or heard of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich she didn’t like it. Something so simple as food turned into how else can cultures impact people and at what level does it actually become biological?

The other moment that comes to mind when thinking about choices- was the first time I watched the Devil Wear’s Prada. You might think I’m crazy for bringing this movie up, but it actually does a really good job at bringing to light an individual’s choice when constructs are put into place to shape people’s decisions. I don’t really want to give away the movie plot - So I’ll simply state not every decision is easy. It becomes even more difficult when those constructs are put into place.

Once again I feel lost in my words. I feel like I could go on and on down the rabbit hole. Talking about life, relativity, reality, learning...So rather than drone on and on I think I’ll end it here. If you are ever in the San Francisco area definitely check out the museum. It has several well crafted exhibits and the planetarium is breathtaking.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Peaking Mission

Life always provides interesting challenges.  One of which is climbing a mountain....literally.  To be fair it wasn't a very big mountain but it was still 1.7 miles of uphill trek, which if you've never done before can be pretty challenging.

I met up with a friend of mine and as per the usual these days I over slept and rushed getting there.  Not only did I oversleep but I also used google maps to get to "Mission Peak".  What I didn't know is there is a very narrow path that you can drive most of the way up and well...despite the signs that say "No Auto to Peak" and "Residence Only"  I still decided to drive it....As my friend put it S M R T

SMRT Reference

When I finally got there the sun was still hidden behind the mountain.  Unfortunately due to my awesome follies we didn't make it to the top for sunrise, but what we saw was equally as impressive.

 As we made our way up the mountain we saw an assortment of cows, which was somewhat reminiscent of World of Warcraft.  I truly felt like I was in Mulgore near Thunderbluff.  I also now know what a real life Mulgore would smell like...fertilizer.

We were closely followed by the fog as it lifted to the sky.  This is a photo from about half way up.

When we got there the timing was perfect....as the clouds followed us up they sat in just the right spots for the most amazing photos.

I'm so glad I went.  Not only was the view breath taking the work I did getting to the top made me appreciate all the little battles I deal with every day.  Just knowing that all I have to do is keep going and eventually  I'll see something beautiful, something worth all the hard work.


On the way back down COW!!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

I need just a general blog

So I've been going out and adventuring and doing all this cool stuff and aside from my personal journal I have no place to share everything!  Thus downloading life has been born!  I plan on posting everything from food to hikes!